Monday, March 5, 2007


Thursday was crazy, the morning started out by getting ready for 70 women to come into our office for refreshments. They were all republican women from all over the place. And On top of all the Ladies being crammed into our office i still had to do all my normal jobs....well finally lunch came and my dad and i went to the convention center to have Lunch with all these i expected maybe 2 or 3 hundred but we walked in to a sea of like 600 red women (the were all wearing red clothes). now Im starving at this point in the day and ready for something good.....however....when i walked up to our table what greeted me was about 8 red women (who thought i was "adorable") and big plate of SPINACH!?......with a little piece of chicken on top. and as soon as i sat down to indulge myself in this wonderful meal, the ladies all started shoving the DRESSING in my face saying "oh its to dry honey"...."you cant eat it like that"....those of you who know me know that im fine with my salad dry, in fact, i LIKE it that way. but one thing ive learned is that when 8 women are telling you to do something, no matter how old they are, you do i ate they salad with dressing ALL OVER it....they said i didnt put enough on the first time!!

well im babysitting adams car, and i found out that once it gets on the highway it has a minimum speed of 85 mph..... oh well... ;)



Joseph said...

I am glad you updated caleb. That was funny.


Michelle said...

yay....he posted! lol....yeah posting everthing over and over again on each blog is a good mean i've got a myspace, blogspot, xanga, homeschoolalumni blog, blah blah blah but thatnks again ;-) oh and do you happen to have pictures of that "incident" ???? ;-P

Caleb said...

Yeah, on the trip back from SC my dad hit 93 once, he he, too fun.

Jared Jaroski said...

Sounds like you had quite a Thursday!

Michelle said...

I just joined it not to long ago but it's AWESOME!!!!'s kinda like a homeschool myspace. safe for all ages typa thing. i thought it was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Funny Post Caleb.

>>>The Voice<<<

becca said...

lol. wow, Adams's car sucks, haha. take mine out sometime, you can at least hit 125. hope you're having a great day. Any news on coming up for a tour yetz?

crazyhouseholdof9 said...

You have quite a way of looking at life, Caleb. Thanks for telling the rest of us about that spinach salad and DRESSING!