Wednesday, March 28, 2007

FOOTBALL!....yeah...tonight was the freshmen state reps vs the veteran state reps at the Longhorns practice field.....the first half went bad for the freshmen when the veterans scored twice dad (a freshman) pulled his hamstring......aww shucks, his backup had to come in.......ME!....well....i guess the freshmen didn't score at all in the second half....but the veterans had all the good players and even though i had two, dare i say, beautiful interceptions and several other good plays we still lost 21-0....all the other reps said i kicked as.......oh yeah......hind potts or something like that.

This is my last full week to work up here at the capitol....yay and darn at the same time....oh well, im coming home and going to work at the Window Gang...yeah, for those of you i haven't already told, im getting rid of my lawn and landscape nice as it is to work for myself, i think God is leading me down a different path as to what my job is going to be, not sure what it is but we'll really pumped about going back to the fire department, i haven't been there since Christmas and its been killing me.

other than that...luke and i are coming up here for friday and saturday to stay with Adam. Then we're coming back for church staying for a while after (no way you can drag away early), and then going up to play soccer with adam and a bunch of his friends.

well, there's my update,

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Its....*checks calender*...Tuesday, yeah, im up in Austin for, most likely, my last full week. Ill probably come back a few days a week but i need to get back home and work.
Aaron had a debate tournament last weekend.....nerdsville......there were allot of cool ppl, i think everyone on his team was cool, but.......if you ever want to go see some nerds go to a debate tournament. Its not like im trying to be mean or anything, some of them are pretty cool, but i heard some kids debating on the stupidest things you could debate on and it was....yeah, nerdy. Oh well, he has another tournament next weekend in Houston so it should be fun.

Something i realized this weekend was when your away from your family for long periods of time the time that you spend them when your with them is guys know that me and my bros don't always get along, well...sunday night we went to rimrock ranch and played basketball for 2 hours....we played so bad...we couldn't stop laughing, and then we tried to come home and go into our mom and dads room and act like we had been fighting the whole time, but as soon as we walked in we fell on the floor and just started laughing =D.....they were kinda freaked out. and that night we stayed up till 2:00 just talking.

Abigail's birthday was yesterday, she turned five. My mom has never had a youngest kid that was five before. My mom's getting......*thinks*........younger looking every day. =)

then there was today....>:(.......i was supposed to wake up at 6:30 to get ready to leave this morning but i forgot to set an alarm and mom woke me up at i rushed around got my dress shoes, a belt, my wallet and my phone and ran out the door so i could get my mom to austin by 9:15...on the way up i realized i forgot my keys....oh well, i can survive without them since i dont have the truck this week, it just has one of our two apartment keys on biggie....well, when we got to the apartment i started going through all my shirts in my closet i realized didnt have any dress pants, so i called luke and drove all the way down to new braunfels to get my i went back to austin and went to the mom came by the office then went home.....however.....when she got to new braunfels she found my DADS keys in her i met her halfway to get the keys......its been one those "im so stupid" days............... ........AAAHHH!!!!!....oh well.

God is good


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How Big is Your God?

I know that in my own life i find myself thinking, "I'll put God in this part of my life, but i think i can handle this part."...haha.....sound familiar? I think its something that we all struggle with at some point or another, we think "i just need to deal with this by myself".....1 Corinthians 1:25 says "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."

What a thought, even if i knew everything that a man could know my God in His "foolishness!" would be wiser. So again, How Big is Your God? He's bigger than anything we could ever be. We take a situation and think we know whats going to happen next, we say "no, that cant happen."...guess what, with God it can. We just have to trust Him.

On Sunday night we had a big storm, I was kinda down, kinda confused....really confused. You know, things going on in life that i want to fix right now. well i was in my room, my bros were talking a little, the thunder was loud and i as trying to im not exactly sure what it was(probably God) that made me go outside, but i did. I went out there and in about one minute i was soaking wet. And as i was standing there with the lighting flashing and the rain pouring, trying to convince God why things needed to go a certain way.......then i stopped. I was frustrated, i was freezing, water was flowing from my hair to my face. So, i simply asked "what should i do God? what do You want me to do?" Well i dont know what i was expecting but its hard to explain how it happened. It was like everything went silent, my head was completely clear of any thoughts, and then it was like He wrote it down on a plain white piece of paper with a black was simply "TRUST ME".....thats all....i quickly jumped in with reasons why that wasn't specific enough as if i could talk God into giving me more info. But the answer just kept coming back "Don't worry, just trust Me."
Philippians 4:6,7 says
"6Do not be anxious (worry) about anything, but in everything, by prayer and suplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I mean, what can honestly go wrong when its in His hands. Not only is the situation off our chest but we get a "peace that surpasses all understanding."

Its not always going to be easy, but trusting Him will never hurt us, it can only turn out good.

Make your requests known to God.
Love ya'll

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Just Wait

Patience.....wait.....but its so hard.....Guys, God has an awesome plan for you and me, thats a fact.......what it is I dont know right now, however I keep thinking I have a rough draft, but who am I to think that I know the plans of God? I've truly been seeking Him, trying to know what He wants, doing my best to discern his will, and things have been going in the right direction and there were things in my life that i wanted to move forward that i felt God was beginning to move forward for me when all of the sudden...BAM.....a road block......why? why stop this thing that I want so bad to happen.....Last night Mr. Anderson really helped me to realize that He's just asking me to wait....He wants to be my only love, for me to love other ppl through Him. He wants me trust Him when things aren't going the way I want them to go. Hannah (in the Bible) loved God with all her heart but God "closed her womb" (she couldnt have children). She would trade the world for a child, so she told God that if He allowed her to have a child that she would give her child to Him to serve Him for the rest of his life. Then of course Samuel was born and Hannah gave him to the priest to serve the Lord for the rest of his life......but you know what the story doesnt end there. After she gave him to the priest she didnt go regret making that promise or get upset at God for taking her son away, she rejoiced and praised him.....and the great end to her story was that after Samuel she had three more sons and two daughters, God gave her what she wanted and MORE.

I guess im trying to make a point to myself more than anybody, that God is in control and trusting in him wont bring any dissapointment.........God has an appointment for every thing in our lives, if we miss those appointments the only thing we'll get is dissapointment.......think about it, when has God ever missed an appointment, the very second that Jesus breathed his last breath was the very second that God appointed that to happen, the very second i was born was the very second he appointed. If im trusting Him and only desiring to serve him he's going to give what i want and His here I am with this road block in front of me and my choices are to wait and see why God put it there, and trust that he did put there for a good reason. Or i can try to go around it, but what will happen then....ill get off that strait and narrow path, i might get what i want, but it would be in MY timing, and that would only lead to....yeah, disappointment. So we'll see what God has in store for me, one thing i know is that its going to be good.....who knows i might get what i desire in 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 months....5 SECONDS.............ok not 5 seconds......but as long as He's the focus and the center of my life what can go wrong.

Please pray for me guys, and pray for all your friends and your siblings and your PARENTS. We all need prayer.

God Bless Ya'll

Monday, March 5, 2007


Thursday was crazy, the morning started out by getting ready for 70 women to come into our office for refreshments. They were all republican women from all over the place. And On top of all the Ladies being crammed into our office i still had to do all my normal jobs....well finally lunch came and my dad and i went to the convention center to have Lunch with all these i expected maybe 2 or 3 hundred but we walked in to a sea of like 600 red women (the were all wearing red clothes). now Im starving at this point in the day and ready for something good.....however....when i walked up to our table what greeted me was about 8 red women (who thought i was "adorable") and big plate of SPINACH!?......with a little piece of chicken on top. and as soon as i sat down to indulge myself in this wonderful meal, the ladies all started shoving the DRESSING in my face saying "oh its to dry honey"...."you cant eat it like that"....those of you who know me know that im fine with my salad dry, in fact, i LIKE it that way. but one thing ive learned is that when 8 women are telling you to do something, no matter how old they are, you do i ate they salad with dressing ALL OVER it....they said i didnt put enough on the first time!!

well im babysitting adams car, and i found out that once it gets on the highway it has a minimum speed of 85 mph..... oh well... ;)
