Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Just Wait

Patience.....wait.....but its so hard.....Guys, God has an awesome plan for you and me, thats a fact.......what it is I dont know right now, however I keep thinking I have a rough draft, but who am I to think that I know the plans of God? I've truly been seeking Him, trying to know what He wants, doing my best to discern his will, and things have been going in the right direction and there were things in my life that i wanted to move forward that i felt God was beginning to move forward for me when all of the sudden...BAM.....a road block......why? why stop this thing that I want so bad to happen.....Last night Mr. Anderson really helped me to realize that He's just asking me to wait....He wants to be my only love, for me to love other ppl through Him. He wants me trust Him when things aren't going the way I want them to go. Hannah (in the Bible) loved God with all her heart but God "closed her womb" (she couldnt have children). She would trade the world for a child, so she told God that if He allowed her to have a child that she would give her child to Him to serve Him for the rest of his life. Then of course Samuel was born and Hannah gave him to the priest to serve the Lord for the rest of his life......but you know what the story doesnt end there. After she gave him to the priest she didnt go regret making that promise or get upset at God for taking her son away, she rejoiced and praised him.....and the great end to her story was that after Samuel she had three more sons and two daughters, God gave her what she wanted and MORE.

I guess im trying to make a point to myself more than anybody, that God is in control and trusting in him wont bring any dissapointment.........God has an appointment for every thing in our lives, if we miss those appointments the only thing we'll get is dissapointment.......think about it, when has God ever missed an appointment, the very second that Jesus breathed his last breath was the very second that God appointed that to happen, the very second i was born was the very second he appointed. If im trusting Him and only desiring to serve him he's going to give what i want and more.....in His timing.....so here I am with this road block in front of me and my choices are to wait and see why God put it there, and trust that he did put there for a good reason. Or i can try to go around it, but what will happen then....ill get off that strait and narrow path, i might get what i want, but it would be in MY timing, and that would only lead to....yeah, disappointment. So we'll see what God has in store for me, one thing i know is that its going to be good.....who knows i might get what i desire in 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 months....5 SECONDS.............ok not 5 seconds......but as long as He's the focus and the center of my life what can go wrong.

Please pray for me guys, and pray for all your friends and your siblings and your PARENTS. We all need prayer.

God Bless Ya'll


becca said...

no not 5 seconds ;)...... but the time will come and you will be SO glad that you trusted God and waited. I'm so proud of you bro!

Michelle said...

Hey that was a great post Caleb!!!!!!! Patience....God is trying to teach everyone of us that.....esp. ME!.....that's why i believe He has me here in Waxahachie, to teach me something that i couldnt learn anywhere else on the earth. Love you and i'll be prayin for you!!!

Joseph said...

very good post caleb. you are right on.
talk to you later.

your friend, Joseph

Jared Jaroski said...

I'll pray for you

Caleb said...

I can definitely relate.....I'll be prayin man.

crazyhouseholdof9 said...

Basically, we want what we want when we want it. I know that selfishness is tough to fight, personally, but when we get closer to conquering it, we are that much closer to Him. I have found that faith is what He is looking for, even during dark days. I have not always had faith, and regret it very much. However, I know that God's timing is always right, even if it is years. When I see that, I know I have experienced the hand of God, an awesome thing to behold.

Michelle said...

HA! well she done had her baby before i got outta bed! lol.....anyways....she tried to kill me as it was! lol...if i was there when she had it...OH BOY! i would have needed my matador outfit with the spandex red tights ;-)

Unknown said...

good reminder

Unknown said...

ok my previous post wont go to my real site, it should work if you click my name now.